Pokemon Pyokotto Waited For You! Collection Blind Box

by Re-Ment
Type: Blind Boxes

Blind box contains one (1) single figure

Note: Blind boxes are a fun and exciting way to collect your favorite characters, but it’s important to note that each box is randomly packed, and the contents are a mystery until opened. This means you won’t know which figure you’ll receive, adding an element of surprise to every purchase. Due to the random nature, there is a chance of receiving duplicate items, and specific figures cannot be guaranteed. Embrace the fun of collecting, trading, and discovering the unexpected with every blind box!

These fun "Pokemon" figures from Re-Ment include a section of a garden wall or hedge, and the Pokemon are peeking out to greet you! You can group them together to complete the wall, hedge, and garden gate! There are six different adorable items to collect and trade!


  • Pikachu
  • Eevee (male & female)
  • Sprigatito
  • Yamper
  • Buneary
  • Litten & Rockruff